Open Salaries: Ensuring Equitable Pay through Pay Transparency

July 20, 2023

CEO Matt Schembari speaks at GDC 2023 about the benefits of an Open Salary policy

What would happen if someone leaked your company's full compensation information to your entire company? A growing number of companies—both in and out of games—are choosing to intentionally do just this. In this GDC 2023 talk, Matt Schembari, CEO at Lightforge Games, shares the research on open salaries along with the current state of the open salary movement, and provides concrete benefits and challenges from Lightforge's experience practicing open salaries over the past three years.

Matt Schembari, Lightfoge's CEO, spoke earlier this year at GDC 2023 about Lightforge's experience learning about and operating an Open Salary policy. The video is now available for free on Youtube for all to watch!