Tell Your Story

May 12, 2021

As we announce our new studio, we talk about one of our most important values as a company: Tell Your Story.

About a year ago, a group of like-minded game developers decided to build a new studio around a shared vision (spoiler alert: that's us!). During that year, we've built a prototype to test our ideas, found great partners, and hired an amazing group of talented people. Today, we're excited to announce Lightforge Games!

While our collective experiences and passion will drive our games, our values drive who we are. One of those key principles stands out in this moment of our announcement: Tell Your Story.

For thousands of years, humans told stories as a group experience. This oral tradition allowed everyone to simultaneously play the role of creator and listener. Together they wove common tales, embellishing and evolving the stories with each retelling. The great myths and epics of the ages were birthed this way.

With the advent of modern media, the magic of cooperative creation faded. Instead, we've most often enjoyed stories that are told to us through movies, music, books, and video games. We're disconnected from the creator, with few ways to contribute back to the story. These are amazing works of art, but they're also fixed journeys on a one-way street.

In recent years, we've been reminded again of the power of shared storytelling. YouTube and Twitch creators hold a constant conversation with the world, emergent gameplay surprises and delights us, and tabletop RPGs are more popular than ever as they unlock raw imagination and improvisation.

Let's take that further. Let's pull together the group conversations, emergent gameplay, and improvisational tales. Let's fuel a million globally connected stories moving forward as one — a tapestry of endless what ifs.

That's our goal.

We're just getting started on this journey and hope you'll come along with us. Let's tell our stories together.

Do you have a story to tell? Share it with us on Twitter at @LightforgeGames.